Switching to E-ZU for Office 365 – Customer Story



The SpaceandPeople Group markets, sells and administers space in high footfall venues, including shopping centres, garden centres, city centres, retail parks and travel hubs. With 15 years experience in the industry, they match brands, promoters and retailers to the venues and footfalls that are right for them.


SpaceandPeople recently moved away from their existing Microsoft supplier, with E-ZU Solutions adopting their Office 365 licences and support to great results…

1) We asked Paul Dowd, the IT manager at SpaceandPeople, what it was that prompted the switch to E-ZU, and here’s exactly what he said:

“The original contact was made by E-ZU Solutions but not for Office 365, a webinar on Barracuda Backup was offered to myself. During the webinar, I was impressed with the presenter, E-ZU Solutions as company, and most importantly there was no push for a sale. Taking all this into consideration a positive impression was left. 

As an IT Manager I get a call at least once a day from someone trying to sell me something. Hard or aggressive sales is something that I disengage from. This was not the case at any point from E-ZU Solutions. 

During the webinar and the chat afterwards, it was highlighted that E-ZU Solutions supplied O365 for businesses. 

At the same time, internally SpaceandPeople were looking for a new supplier for O365 . With the webinar still fresh in my mind and the positive impression made. I started talking to E-ZU Solutions. After various emails and multiple chats, with different staff in E-ZU Solutions. I was convinced that we could work together

Within two weeks, I recommended to the Senior Management team that E-ZU Solutions would be our new O365 supplier.”

Paul Dowd – IT Manager, SpaceandPeople

2) E-ZU Solutions adopted SpaceandPeople’s Office 365 licences and support, transitioning their tenant over to E-ZU on the 1st December 2018. We then asked Paul how he felt that transition went:

“It went very well, in the build up to the day that we switched over, I was emailed and called by Adam, Steve and Colin asking various questions. I could tell they had experience of doing this for other companies. They answered all our questions and worked with SpaceandPeople to prepare for the switch over.  

On the 1st of December we switched over and there were no issues whatsoever.” 

Paul Dowd – IT Manager, SpaceandPeople

3) Finally, once SpaceandPeople’s Office 365 tenant had been up and running with E-ZU for a month, we asked Paul what their experience had been like so far:

Very positive experience, within a few weeks of switching over we had a conference call with Adam and have introduced three important security protocols. With more to come next year.

For myself knowing that I can pick up the phone at any time or ask for a webinar on something specific, I know that E-ZU Solutions would be able to accommodate our company.  Knowing this, gives myself and my team confidence. Especially during these days of serious cyber threat via email.” 

Paul Dowd – IT Manager, SpaceandPeople

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